Thursday, December 9, 2010

Poisoning our bodies for beauty

Parabens are chemicals used in many products we all use daily. Parabens are used as a preservative because of their antibacterial properties. Parabens enter the body through the skin and travel through the blood stream where they then lodge themselves into the fatty tissues. A majority of the users of these products are women; hence the breast tissue becomes a main concern for women. parabens mimic the hormone estrogen and can be easily absorbed by the breast tissue. In fact parabens in their unconverted form have been found in breast tumors.  Once inside the body, parabens can mix with other chemicals and produce harmful side effects, such as contact dermatitis, and photosensitivity. Parabens are hidden in products using different names, so here are some of the other names to look for: ethylparaben, methylparaben, isobutyl paraben, aseptoform butyl, and benzoic acid.
 Phthalates are used in plastics to make them pliable. The plastic wrap used to package our foods, baby teething rings, and toys, and almost every nail polish on the market contain phthalates. Studies performed on teenage girls showed phthalates in both the blood and urine samples. Known to be a carcinogen and cancer causing chemical, as well as causing mutations in the reproductive systems and sperm of males, these chemicals have proven to cause feminine traits in males before puberty.
  Phthalates are used in air freshener as well, they do not need to list it on the packaging for now, but studies done using 14 common household air fresheners of different forms, 12 tested positive for phalates. The packaging on some air fresheners says all natural, and unscented, but don’t be fooled these chemicals are in them and they are toxic. Whether absorbed in through the skin, or breathed into the lungs, phthalates can damage tissue and potentially cause cancer. Phthalates are hormone disrupting chemicals when ingested into the body, and babies and small children are most susceptible to them because they are constantly on the ground, and they constantly have their hands in their mouths. Be aware of your products and their potential to harm you and your family.

Photo allergic reactioIFRA (International Fragrance Assocication). 2010. IFRA Fragrance Ingredient List based on 2008 Use Survey. Accessed online 12/3/2010: caused by sunscreens and fragrances
                             Pictures  of contact eczema

1 comment:

  1. Heather,

    I am a little confused about your information on Parabens. Is this part of your unified vision? You have not clearly stated what your unified vision is. You have done a nice job of describing the space and costumes... and I can draw conclusions about your vision, but I needed this clearly stated at the beginning of the blog.

    You have also posted some interesting material, but not all of it is being drawn to your vision (some is, but not all).

    I think you know the answers to all these questions I am posing, but it is not clearly stated in your material.
